I noticed that every tutorial on how to do JavaScript inheritance does this:
SubClass.prototype = new SuperClass();
But this will create a single instance of the super class and share it among all the instances of the sub class.
The problem is that I would like to pass arguments to the super class constructor which originate from arguments passed to the sub class.
In Java this would be done like this:
class SubClass extends SuperClass {
public SubClass(String s) {
I tried doing something like this:
function SubClass(args) {
this.constructor.prototype = new SuperClass(args);
But this will not work. So is there a way to do this in JavaScript?
This is how I have always done it.
// Parent object
function Thing(options)
//do stuff
Thing.prototype.someMethod = function(){
// some stuff
// child object which inherits from the parent
function OtherThing(options)
Thing.call(this, options);
// do stuff for otherthing
OtherThing.prototype = new Thing();
OtherThing.prototype.someMethod = function(){
// call things original function
// now do anything different
console.log('other thing says hi');
var testObj = new OtherThing();