I tryed install izpack version 5.0.0 beta 8, but the compile fails with message:
IZPACK_HOME is set incorrectly or Izpack could not be located.
I can see that the bat is loocking for one "standalone-compiler.jar" that don't exists in lib folder.
{edit} Not shure if this is the right way. I commented two lines and added one:
REM set IZPACK_JAR=lib\standalone-compiler.jar
REM if exist "%IZPACK_HOME%\%IZPACK_JAR%" goto checkJava
goto checkJava
Also copied the "lcp.bat" from the older version. {/edit}
Change the lines:
set IZPACK_JAR=lib\standalone-compiler.jar
if exist "%IZPACK_HOME%\%IZPACK_JAR%" goto checkJava
rem set IZPACK_JAR=lib\standalone-compiler.jar
rem if exist "%IZPACK_HOME%\%IZPACK_JAR%" goto checkJava
and right below add:
goto checkJava
then copy the lcp.bat to the bin folder.