I have a problem with serializing a message from Windows Azure ServiceBus.
When i Call the "message.GetBody();" method it ends up in some kind of loop which makes my azure-emulator allocate all memory available on the machine.
My code:
Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.BrokeredMessage message;
while (true)
// SB is an instance of a class which let me receive a BrokeredMessage through its ReceiveMessage method.
message = SB.ReceiveMessage("orders");
if (message == null)
// This ends up allocating lots of memory until the debugger crashes.
Procurement.TestOrder torder = message.GetBody<Procurement.TestOrder>();
The Used Class:
public class TestOrder
public int companyId { get; set; }
I have also tried using the [DataContract] and [DataMember] attributes on the TestOrder-Class.
By the way, the message is a pretty simple XML-File without any namespaces coming from BizTalk into a queue in azure.
There might be some small flaws with this but i dont see any reason for the serializer to get stuck in a loop.
Thanks in advance!
What error do you receive when using [DataContract]
and [DataMember]
to attempt to deserialize? If you just do Stream s = message.GetBody<Stream>();
what does s
If the payload of the string is text/XML as opposed to binary serialized XML you'll probably need to pass in a DataContractSerializer like this:
torder = message.GetBody<TestOrder>(new DataContractSerializer(typeof(TestOrder)));