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looking for a one-file filesystem or archiving file format

I'm looking for some filesystem, or archiving file format, with transparent compressing/decompressing support, and can be opened in windows (as a file) by some tool(like winrar or 7-zip), and have some easy to use c interfaces

As far as I've found, zip fileformat is the closest, transparent decompressing, simple c interface (Minizip), but zip format is not suited for file lookup by filename. the UDF filesystem (in iso format) may be bettar at filename lookup (it's a guess, I haven't look very deep), but I haven't found a c interface

Yet I think there must be a more obvious and simpler approach than zip and iso, so, is there?


I have failed to find such a filesystem, especially transparent decompressing. yet there are good ones, like whefs, but without transparent decompressing. and none filesystem approaches, namely DBM(CDB, gdbm, etc)


  • If you need archiving (i.e. sequential compressing and decompression, with no modifications), then ZIP is a standard and probably there's nothing close to ZIP in popularity. However ZIP is not effective when you manipulate files in it (i.e. when you need a virtual file system). In the latter case you can use CodeBase File System, Solid File System (our product) or one of similar products.