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How to remove duplication in this simple code?

There is a function AppendLastSlashIfNotExist I made.
Today, I've decided to make another function AppendLastBackSlashIfNotExist

wstring AppendLastSlashIfNotExist(__in const wstring& path)
    if (path == L"/")
        return path;

    if (path.size() == 0 || path[path.size() - 1] != L'/')
        return path + L"/";
    return path;

wstring AppendLastBackSlashIfNotExist(__in const wstring& path)
    if (path == L"\\")
        return path;

    if (path.size() == 0 || path[path.size() - 1] != L'\\')
        return path + L"\\";
    return path;

Yes, it sucks. Only Slash -> BackSlash is the change. I wanted to remove duplications.

wstring AppendLastSlashIfNotExist(__in const wstring& path, bool backSlash)
    if (path == (backSlash ? L"\\" : L"/"))
        return path;

    if (path.size() == 0 || path[path.size() - 1] != (backSlash ? L'\\' : L'/'))
        return path + (backSlash ? L"\\" : L"/");
    return path;

I integrated them. Duplication removed. But an additional parameter came. I still feel uncomfortable. Isn't there other ways to remove duplication? For example, using by high-order function.
Any idea please.


  • Instead of passing a boolean to indicate the slash type you could just pass the slash character that is required, and possibly have a default for the slash character:

    wstring AppendLastSlashIfNotExist(__in const wstring& path,
                                      wchar_t slash = L'\\')
        // This is superfluous and is handled in next if condition.
        /*if (1 == path.length() && path[0] == slash)
            return path;
        if (path.size() == 0 || path[path.size() - 1] != slash)
            return path + slash;
        return path;
    std::wstring s(L"test");
    std::wcout << AppendLastSlashIfNotExist(s) << "\n";
    std::wcout << AppendLastSlashIfNotExist(s, L'/') << "\n";