Im writing Userscript for one page. It is working under chrome. On that page are same elements that have rounded corners in firefox. I want to fix it so that those element will have rounded edges in google chrome.
I just want to replace Firefox syntax with chrome syntax in all linked CSS style sheets. What is the best way to do it?
I'm using jquery.
This is not a trivial thing to do with a userscript.
The smartest thing to do would be to install something like Stylish and use it to override the styles you really want.
The difficulties with trying to do this with a userscript are:
You can't use getComputedStyle(), because this only returns parsed, applicable styles. You won't see "-moz" styles in Chrome nor "-webkit" styles in Firefox.
Likewise, document.styleSheets
also only shows parsed style rules with alien-browser-specific rules filtered out.
You would have to parse the raw, CSS source-text. That is the textContent
of every <style>
and the AJAXed-in text obtained by following the href
of every "text/css"
This can get tricky and don't even think about using RegEx if you want the solution to be robust at all.
Cross-domain restrictions will also hamper fetching the <link>
text, but this can be reduced by using GM_xmlhttpRequest()
Once the raw CSS is parsed, then and only then can you go about overriding select CSS rules like so:
Change Mozilla To CSS3
------------------------------ --------------------------
-moz-border-radius-topright border-top-right-radius
-moz-border-radius-bottomright border-bottom-right-radius
-moz-border-radius-bottomleft border-bottom-left-radius
-moz-border-radius-topleft border-top-left-radius
-moz-border-radius border-radius