Does anyone know how to check and see if a QMutex is locked, without using the function:
bool QMutex::tryLock()
The reason I don't want to use tryLock() is because it does two things:
For my purposes, I am not interested in performing this second step (locking the mutex).
I just want to know if it is locked or not.
OK, I'm guessing there is no real way to do what I'm asking without actually using tryLock().
This could be accomplished with the following code:
bool is_locked = true;
if( a_mutex.tryLock() )
is_locked = false;
if( is_locked )
As you can see, it unlocks the QMutex, "a_mutex", if it was able to lock it.
Of course, this is not a perfect solution, as by the time it hits the 2nd if statement, the mutex's status could have changed.