I'm working on migrating a textile plugin for a java blogging platform from one library (textile4j) to Mylyn's WikiText. So far very promising, but I have some unit tests that are failing:
public void testLinksSyntax44() {
String in = "\"link text(with title)\":http://example.com/";
String out = "<p><a href=\"http://example.com/\" title=\"with title\">link text</a></p>";
String content = writer.toString();
assertEquals(out, content);
public void testLinksSyntax46() {
String in = "\"(link)link text(with title)\":http://example.com/";
String out = "<p><a href=\"http://example.com/\" class=\"link\" title=\"with title\">link text</a></p>";
String content = writer.toString();
assertEquals(out, content);
Basically, the output is showing a problem with WikiText parsing the title
syntax. The output for each test is as follows:
In #44, the output is: <p><a href="http://example.com/">link text(with title)</a></p>
In #46, the output is: <p><a href="http://example.com/" class="link">link text(with title)</a></p>
The Textpattern Textile web widget correctly parses the link with class and title ("(link)link text(with title)":http://www.example.com/
) and the link with title ("link text(with title)":http://www.example.com/
) short forms.
Am I doing something wrong, or did I find a bug? I'm still groking the library, but it might be that one familiar with the library knows the problem, can find the error, or can help correct me.
Much thanks! Tim
I found that the bug has been reported...