I am trying to map an Address
entity and a Person
entity using a OneToMany mapping: "Each person has only one address but an Address can have many people".
@RooEntity(identifierColumn = "addressID")
public class Address {
@OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, **mappedBy = "address**")
private Set<Person> persons = new HashSet<Person>();
I cannot figure out what to map the Address entity with (bold), i have very little experience with JPA(Eclipse Link) and Spring roo but i thought the mappedBy should equal addressID
and for a bidirectional ManyToOne
on my Person entity mappedBy should equal personID?
As any JPA docs would tell you (all JPA implementations provide them), mappedBy is the name of the field of type "Address" in Person class. If you don't have a field of that type in Person, then the relation is not bidirectional and so you don't use "mappedBy"