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Spring Roo Cardinality Mapped By attribute

I am trying to map an Address entity and a Person entity using a OneToMany mapping: "Each person has only one address but an Address can have many people".

@RooEntity(identifierColumn = "addressID")
public class Address {

    @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, **mappedBy = "address**")
    private Set<Person> persons = new HashSet<Person>();

I cannot figure out what to map the Address entity with (bold), i have very little experience with JPA(Eclipse Link) and Spring roo but i thought the mappedBy should equal addressID and for a bidirectional ManyToOne on my Person entity mappedBy should equal personID?


  • As any JPA docs would tell you (all JPA implementations provide them), mappedBy is the name of the field of type "Address" in Person class. If you don't have a field of that type in Person, then the relation is not bidirectional and so you don't use "mappedBy"