On pressing a .miniimg/2/3
it should replace the src of an img classed .presentimg
which i have appended using jquery to the div .imgcontainer
, I have been through the jQuery (BELOW HTML) and the only reason i think it wont work because of the fact i have used a function within a function and i do not know an alternative method
<div class="imgcontainer">
<div class="minicontainer">
<img src="http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/_Zuzii37VUO4/Ta0nUeMwXoI/AAAAAAAAFoc/7f0Um7OTgNg/s000/Antartic-by-Peter-Rejcek.jpg" title="icy mountains" class="miniimg"/>
<img src="http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/_Zuzii37VUO4/Ta0nUFUhg6I/AAAAAAAAFoY/GToUxRYcteY/s000/Antartic-by-Kelly-Speelman.jpg" title="icy planes and hills" class="miniimg2"/>
<img src="http://lh4.googleusercontent.com/_Zuzii37VUO4/Ta0nTs8AbPI/AAAAAAAAFoU/zCvNKv4kfe4/s000/BeachWaves-By-RePublicDomain.jpg" title="sun rise with clouds" class="miniimg3"/>
The jquery, in the jquery I use (index) for the outer .each function as i saw it on a forum but i dont not know if that actually works unfortuately
var imgsrc = $(".minicontainer img:first-child").attr("src");
$(this).append('<img src="'+imgsrc+'" class="presentimg"/>');
var $this = $(this);
var miniimgrc = $this.attr("src");
$(".presentimg").atrr('src', miniimgrc);
var $this = $(this);
var miniimgrc2 = $this.attr("src");
$(".presentimg").atrr('src', miniimgrc2);
var $this = $(this);
var miniimgrc3 = $this.attr("src");
$(".presentimg").atrr('src', miniimgrc3);
Actually, I think your problem is that you have several misspellings of attr
$(".presentimg").atrr('src', miniimgrc3);
should be:
$(".presentimg").attr('src', miniimgrc3);
Updated fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/nv9em/
Additionally, you can shorten your code to just one event handler:
$(".imgcontainer").each(function() {
var imgsrc = $(".minicontainer img:first-child").attr("src");
$(this).append('<img src="' + imgsrc + '" class="presentimg"/>');
$(".miniimg, .miniimg2, .miniimg3").click(function() {
var miniimgrc = $(this).attr("src");
$(".presentimg").attr('src', miniimgrc);
Updated fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/Fr5yW/