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Why does !new Boolean(false) equals false in JavaScript?

From the jQuery documentation on JavaScript types comes this snippet of code describing the behavior of strings when converted to booleans (that topic is not related to this question, but it's just where I found the code):

!"" // true
!"hello" // false
!"true" // false
!new Boolean(false) // false

I get the first three examples, but I don't get the last example, because:

new Boolean(false) == false //true
!false // true

So I would assume:

!new Boolean(false) // true

But instead:

!new Boolean(false) // false, mind = blown

What is this I don't even...

Is it because:

new Boolean(false) === false // false

If so, what purpose does this serve?


  • new Boolean(false) returns an object. All objects (except document.all in browsers) are truthy.

    As a result, ! of any object will always be false.

    To prove it to yourself, you can run this in your JavaScript console:

    (typeof new Boolean(false)) // "object"

    Also, you can use the strict equality operator === to confirm that new Boolean(false) isn’t really false:

    new Boolean(false) === false // false

    Incidentally, calling the Boolean function as a function—without the new—actually does return a primitive:

    !Boolean(false) // true
    (typeof Boolean(false)) // "boolean"