Here's the situation:
In a rich:dataTable in an a4j:form, i create a a4j:commandLink to select the values and pass it to the bean with the jboss el action syntax
This works without problem.
But If I re-render the form to filter the datatable with an ajax call, when I select the value, it gives me the wrong results: the index from the selection, but the data from before the filtering.
Any ideas?
Thank you Zack for giving me the right solution in only 5 minutes.
I think passing parameter in the action between parenthesis is more elegant but, hey: this works. :)
Thank you a lot.
P.s. I'm editing the title too.
Try using:
<a4j:commandLink action="#{bean.myaction}">
<f:param name="myparameter" value="paramValue" />
and then access that parameter in your action via the requestParameter("myparameter")
through the FacesContext
As a side-note, this isn't jboss EL, it's unified expression language (EL). It's just a feature of JSP/JSF in general, as specified by Sun.