Im newbie in C# and don't know its syntax. But I know a bit about other languages (Java, C++).
I downloaded GLWidget project and tryed to build it. However I got an error CS0501 at these lines (with { get; set; }
namespace Gtk
public class GLWidget : DrawingArea, IDisposable
IGraphicsContext graphicsContext;
static int graphicsContextCount;
/// <summary>Use a single buffer versus a double buffer.</summary>
public bool SingleBuffer { get; set; }
/// <summary>Color Buffer Bits-Per-Pixel</summary>
public int ColorBPP { get; set; }
/// <summary>Accumulation Buffer Bits-Per-Pixel</summary>
public int AccumulatorBPP { get; set; }
/// <summary>Depth Buffer Bits-Per-Pixel</summary>
public int DepthBPP { get; set; }
/// <summary>Stencil Buffer Bits-Per-Pixel</summary>
public int StencilBPP { get; set; }
/// <summary>Number of samples</summary>
public int Samples { get; set; }
/// <summary>Indicates if steropic renderering is enabled</summary>
public bool Stereo { get; set; }
IWindowInfo windowInfo;
Why did this guy do that? Is it a trivial error or not?
What version of the compiler are you using? This code is using Auto-Implemented Properties which are available in C# 3.0 and later.
Since I'm assuming MonoDevelop uses the Mono compiler 'mcs' (and varients), this problem depends on the version of Mono. Mono 2.6 has support for C# 3.0 (and a preview of 4.0). Perhaps you just need to upgrade Mono and/or MonoDevelop.