The website is
Is it slow enough to be costing me conversions (Maybe people in Europe)?
Here's the pingdom load time test result:!/t71Fj5LGf/
The biggest "offenders" seem to be the fading javascript, the pre-loaded images, and the like button.
Thanks. Was able to shave off some seconds here and there.
In order of page load speed increases:
Gzipping is basically impossible on GoDaddy and putting my files on google's CDN would be a good improvement.
Right then...
For starters here's a page load waterfall generated using the Amsterdam instance of
Your server looks like it's pretty slow at generating/serving out the base page and static assets but there are also other issues.
You want to load the CSS as soon as possible but delay the JS as long as possible.
I would try to simplify the CSS files then merge and minify them.
For the JS, work out what you really need to render the page and delay everything else until later either by including it at he end of the body or loading it asynchronously see Stoyan's article for how you should load the social media buttons
You also need to turn on gzip for the text based content e.g. HTML, CSS, JS etc. Suspect your images can be compressed further too.
Based on what I saw in the waterfall the way you're using JS is a big part of the slowness.