i am using google maps api v3, and the InfoBubbles plugin. I am trying to populate the map with multiple markers. Each marker has a InfoBubble that opens when clicked. These InfoBubbless have tabs (up to 3 tabs) each with their own content and html.
How can i get the markers to show on the maps with their tabs and infobubbles.
I am currently setting the infobubbles and markers to arrays and using a public function to handle the click, while passing the index.
infoBubbles[i] = new InfoBubble({
map: map,
minHeight: point[i].min_height,
maxHeight: point[i].max_height,
minWidth: point[i].min_width,
maxWidth: point[i].max_width,
disableAutoPan: false,
hideCloseButton: false,
arrowPosition: 30,
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', handleMarkerClick(marker, i));
and the marker click function:
function handleMarkerClick(marker,index) {
return function() {
if (!infoBubbles[index].isOpen()) {
infoBubbles[index].open(map, marker);
infoBubbles[index].close(map, marker);
i answered my own question by using the same method above. I received word back from several others that this is the correct way.
i use the following code to define a single infoBubble and i just remove all the tabs, content and reposition/reflow the content for that bubble.
* add a listener for the click of a marker
* when the marker is clicked, get the current amount
* of tabs, and remove each tab. Then reset the width/heights
* and readd the new tabs with their content.
* @return {[type]}
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function(){
/** remove all of the tabs from the infobubble, early prototype */
if (tabCount > 0){
for (var i = 0; i < tabCount; i++){
tabCount = 0;
/** setup the min/max width and heights for the bubble */
var tabs = this.infoBubble_tabs;
/** @type {Number} set the counter to 1, since tab index starts at 1 */
for (var ii = 0; ii < tabs.length; ii++) {
infoBubble.addTab(tabs[ii].tabTitle, tabs[ii].tabContent);
/** count the amount of tabs there are */
/** open the infoBubble */
infoBubble.open(map, this);