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Storyboarding ViewController.m

I did an experiment in viewDidLoad where I put:

NSLog(@"The View did load :-) %@", self.title);

inside of viewDidLoad.... so each time I segue'd to my different views I watched the output change but I'm lost in the "conceptual" groundwork of things.

Where do I put my code for each view? Xcode gives me the one ViewController.m, but shouldn't I create a separate ViewController.m for each view that I have in my storyboard and then each view has its own viewDidLoad?

I just watched the WWDC video on Segues/Storyboarding and going to play around with prepareForSegue:sender: to pass data between my views. None of the books I have touch on Storyboarding.


  • Create separate controller for each View and than connect them from interface builder, When you will add ViewController in side your will find them inside a drop box next to class in below images. So just select view and than select a red cycled tab and than assign a view controller for that view :)


    enter image description here

    Same with other views,

    enter image description here