I am trying to change the color of the circle of the SwiftUI
Slider. But, unfortunately, I couldn't find a way. I am sharing the code I did till now. and also the screenshot of the view. I don't want to use UIKit
Slider in my SwiftUI view. I appreciate any help and suggestions.
value: $lightIntensity,
in: 1...5,
step: 2
) {
/// Used for accessibility
onEditingChanged: { editing in
isEditing = editing
Here is the screenshot of the view:
So all I want is to change the white circle color to primary color.
You could try this approach using UISlider.appearance()
struct ContentView: View {
@Binding var lightIntensity: Float
init(lightIntensity: Binding<Float>) {
self._lightIntensity = lightIntensity
UISlider.appearance().thumbTintColor = R.color.primary.color //<- here