After much confusion and frustration, I finally got my hard disk to interrupt. :D It basically came down to the fact that I kept reading the status register instead of the alternate status register. A few other things were messed up to boot, but the point is my hard disk driver is finally starting to take shape. Now, for others I will leave the original post.
P.S. For further clarification, I didn't need to issue any sort of reset command. All I did was the following:
Actually, I am not sure if the IDENTIFY DEVICE command is need because I left the lab happy before I could test the code without issuing the command. However, the main point is that I needed to be sure to read the alternate status register and have the nIEN bit cleared without the need for a reset. The BIOS apparently takes care of most stuff.
I am currently trying to write a disk driver for a hobby OS being developed at my school. I currently have routines to read/write data in the PCI configuration space and assembly routines to do port IO with the various registers defined by ATA/ATAPI-7. Now, my question is, specifically how will I get an IDE hard drive to start generating interrupts? I have been looking through all this documentation and is hasn't become clear to me what I am doing wrong.
Can someone explain exactly what causes an IDE hard drive to start generating interrupts? I already have an interrupts service routine ready to test, but am having difficulty getting the interrupts in the first place. Can this be accomplished through the ATA SOFT RESET?
UPDATE: Ok, I was able to get the secondary channel, an ATAPI CDROM to generate interrupts by setting the SRST bit in the DEVICE CONTROL register for a soft reset. This does not work for the hard disk on the primary channel. What I have noticed so far is that when I set the SRST bit for the HDD, it sets the BSY bit and leaves it set. From there I don't know what to do.
This reference should help you a fair bit: Kenos description of programming ATA/ATAPI.
The basic mechanism to enable interrupts is to clear nIEN in the DCR (Device Control Register):
nIEN: Drive Interrupt Enable bit. The enable bit for the drive interrupt to the host. When nIEN is 0 or the drive is selected the host interrupt signal INTRQ is enabled through a tri state buffer to the host. When nIEN is 1 or the drive is not selected the host interrupt signal INTRQ is in a high impedance state regardless of the presence or absence of a pending interrupt.
This is a good jumping-off point to find way more info about ATA/PATA/SATA/ATAPI than you want to know... Note that the official ATA-6/7/etc specs cost $$ from T13, though you can download current drafts of ATA-8 from them.
This link describes a few of the many ways ATA devices vary from the specs. (I used to write SCSI and ATA/ATAPI drivers for Commodore/Amiga, way back when, as well as help with qualifying drives - or more accurately, figuring out what idiocies drive makers had done.)