Well, more specifically, JBox2D. I have a circle falling down, and when clicked on, the circle becomes a box and becomes static (Doesn't move, regardless of gravity or collisions). My understanding is that to make it static, I set the density to 0. This isn't working though, and for some reason nothing is colliding with the object either. Below is where I turn the circle into a static box.
PolygonShape b = new PolygonShape();
b.setAsBox(radius*2.2f, radius);
FixtureDef fd = new FixtureDef();
fd.shape = b;
fd.friction = 0;
fd.density = 0;
I feel that this is an easy fix, but the solution simply evades me.
i only used Box2D on the iPhone, but i think you just need to call
on your Body instance.