I'm currently a Mootools beginner (started leanrning today). And I come from jQuery. I learned about Element.Implement
I'm trying to add the .ready function from jquery to mootools.
Jquery .ready example:
//Do stuff onload
I'm attempting to do this with mootools like this:
ready: function(a){
return this.addEvent('domready', a)
But as I said. I'm a mootools beginner and I can't debug this.
I'm doing this because I like all the jquery functions. And Im used to the names of them. But I like that mootools has some advantages over jquery. And I know I could just use both. But thats to complicated
Just do this:
function domready(domreadycode){
window.addEvent('domready', domreadycode);
and use it like this:
//code when document is ready