Can I use tstamp property BuildDate in a nant task to an xecutable task in cruise control net as given below? if that is possible, Is my usage correct?
<tstamp property="BuildDate" pattern="dd-mmm-yy" verbose="true" />
<exec executable="C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe">
<buildArgs>/C rename "D:\Disk Images\Disk1" ICE_$(BuildDate)"</buildArgs>
Taking a first look everything looks fine so far... except for this: Use curly braces when accessing the property. So it's Disk1" ICE_${BuildDate}"
instead of Disk1" ICE_$(BuildDate)"
UPDATE: Wait a minute... You're trying to pass the property back from NAnt to CCNET? No, that won't work. You may use the BuildDate
property inside NAnt only.