I want to write an Ada program which replaces Latin1 characters with applicable HTML entities, but my code does not work: text.txt
and converted.txt
are always the same. My tutor said that code is correct.
Thanks in advance!
Here is my code:
with Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Entity_Converter is
use Ada.Text_IO;
Source : File_Type;
Target : File_Type;
Source_Char : Character;
Open (Source, In_File, "test.txt");
Create (Target, Out_File, "converted.txt");
while not End_Of_File (Source) loop
Get (Source, Source_Char);
case Source_Char is
when 'ä' =>
Put (Target, "ä");
when 'Ä' =>
Put (Target, "Ä");
when 'ö' =>
Put (Target, "ö");
when 'Ö' =>
Put (Target, "Ö");
when 'ü' =>
Put (Target, "ü");
when 'Ü' =>
Put (Target, "Ü");
when 'ß' =>
Put (Target, "ß");
when others =>
Put (Target, Source_Char);
end case;
end loop;
Close (Source);
Close (Target);
end Entity_Converter;
The result depends on the encoding of both the source text, as well as the test file.
To address the former, use the constants of the package Ada.Characters.Latin_1
with Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
use Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
case Source_Char is
when LC_A_Diaeresis =>
Put (Target, "ä");
when UC_A_Diaeresis =>
Put (Target, "Ä");
when LC_German_Sharp_S =>
Put (Target, "ß");
when others =>
Put (Target, Source_Char);
end case;
The latter depends on your editor.