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How to open Eclipse -- tegra development pack -- in ubuntu

After i installed "tegra development pack" on my ubuntu, the installation opened eclipse IDE for me and then i closed and then figured out that there isn't any shortcut or anything i could launch it from.


I followed "Venzen" solution till step 3 and used the filtering command. That showed me that there is another folder named "NVPACK" is located in username > NVPACK > eclipse which I didn't know about, I kept locking tipping in "eclipse" in the terminal. Also, there is something stupid I did I would like to share; what happened here is that I kept looking at NVPACK installation folder at windows files not in linux files. (I'm using ubuntu in windows).


  • You could open a terminal and try to launch Eclipse from the command line:

    $ eclipse

    If this does not work it could mean that the eclipse binary was installed somewhere outside of your PATH and you will have to look for it. I am not familiar with Tegra, but here is a general purpose "process of elimination" to find a file in *nix:

    1. update the locate database

      $ sudo updatedb

    2. use the which command to interrogate the updated locate database

      $ which eclipse

    3. you should have found it by now. If you haven't all is not lost - run the locate command just for good measure

      $ sudo locate eclipse

    locate could potentially output lots of matches since it outputs any match to your search term whether its a file or a folder. If the output of locate scrolls off the screen then use grep to filter out only matches where eclipse is a file:

    $ sudo locate eclipse | grep '.*eclipse$'

    If this produces several matches then choose the eclipse file which resides in a bin folder.

    If, by now, a file called eclipse has not yet shown itself, then there are 2 more options left - a long way and a short way...

    1. use the find command
    2. post the method (or source) from where you installed

    either way, kindly post here should steps 1-3 above not reveal eclipse.