I'm starting to use a Silverlight WCF RIA Domain Services and I have one question.
So far I was able to fill a DataGrid with data coming from my WCF. This is alright.
But I'd like to simply get a list of, let's say, all my users. Normally with the DataGrid I'd do:
CortexDomainContext oContext = new CortexDomainContext();
this.dataGrid1.ItemsSource = oContext.Users;
But if I only want to get a List of the result, how must I do it?!
I tried:
List<User> oUsers = oContext.Users.ToList();
But it didn't worked.
Everything is working alright but this question still remains in my mind...
Thanks a lot!
is asynchronous as any other web call in Silverlight, therefore you get the results either via a callback, or via an event handler. Examples:
via callback, see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff422945(v=vs.91).aspx
oContext.Load(oContext.GetUsersQuery(), operation =>
var users = operation.Entities; // here you are
}, null);
via event handler, see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff422589(v=VS.91).aspx
var operation = oContext.Load(oContext.GetUsersQuery());
operation.Completed += (s, e) =>
var users = operation.Entities; // your users are here
I would recommend the first way.
The DataGrid
works without it because it binds to an entityset which implements INotifyCollectionChanged
, i.e. notifies subscribers when an entity is added to or removed from the entityset. The DataGrid
(in fact, the ItemsControl
) subscribes to the INotifyCollectionChanged.CollectionChanged
event to track the entityset modifications.