I'm writing a GLSL vertex shader for an iMac with a AMD Radeon HD 6970M 2048 MB graphics card:
GL_VERSION: 2.1 ATI-7.12.9
In my shader I would like to have a large array of uniform mat4s:
uniform mat4 T[65]
but if I try to have 65 of these my shader (secretly) switches to Apple Software Renderer mode. If I instead use 64:
uniform mat4 T[64]
everything is fine.
Seems to be a problem with exceeding the maximum number of uniforms. But as I wrote above I'm getting 4096 for GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS so 4096/(4*4) = 256 not 64...
OpenGL.org wiki says
ATI/AMD note: The ATI max component values are wrong. They are the actual number of components divided by 4.
But reading this I would think that if I query GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS and get 4096 that I actually have 16,384. What seems to be the case is that GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS returns the actual number of components multiplied by 4. This would then give 1024/(4*4) = 64.
Can anyone confirm this?
Edit: My shader is simply:
#version 120
// 65 goes into software render mode
#define MAX_T 64
attribute vec4 indices;
uniform mat4 T[MAX_T];
void main()
gl_Position = T[int(indices[0])]*gl_Vertex;
You're right isofar, that you need to divide the 4096 by 4 not multiply. The wiki entry is was worded badly.