Can anyone tell me how to create multiple records in grails.
This class is in my domain (OperationLog.groovy)
class OperationLog {
int x, y
String text
Validator validator;
Date oDate = new Date();
static optionals = ["oDate" ];
static belongsTo = [Validator]
I just want to be able to click on create button to create 1000 objects and when I click on OperationLog List button, I want to see these 1000 records.
and this piece of code belongs to Controllers (OperationLogController.groovy)
def list = {
params.max = Math.min(params.max ?'max') : 10, 100)
[operationLogInstanceList: OperationLog.list(params), operationLogInstanceTotal: OperationLog.count()]
def create = {
def operationLogInstance = new OperationLog() = params
operationLogInstance.validator = Validator.get(params.validatorId)
operationLogInstance.operation = Operation.get(params.operationId)
return [operationLogInstance: operationLogInstance]
def save = {
def operationLogInstance = new OperationLog(params)
operationLogInstance.validator = Validator.get(;
if ( true)) {
flash.message = "${message(code: 'default.created.message', args: [message(code: 'operationLog.label', default: 'OperationLog'),])}"
redirect(action: "show", id:
else {
render(view: "create", model: [operationLogInstance: operationLogInstance])
This code creates only one each at a time and this is how view looks like
The same way you do anything multiple times, i.e. with a loop or a closure that is executed multiple times, for example:
def save = {
1000.times {
def operationLogInstance = new OperationLog(params)
operationLogInstance.validator = Validator.get(; true)
redirect(action: "list")