I have a jsfiddle that demonstrates the problem at: http://jsfiddle.net/michaelajohnsonwa/sDchM/7/
The generated dropdown elements from the select when hidden don't seem to be generated correctly. I have tried using both the 'options' binding and the custom jqOptions binding. I tried added in .selectmenu('refresh') to the mix but there was no difference in the outcome. The custom binding doesn't work when used within a template binding which I also find curious.
I'm not sure if this is problem with jQuery selectmenu or knockout.js.
--edit: just discovered the working code doesn't work in IE. Chrome and Firefox do demonstrate the problem accurately.
Any help here will be appriciated! Thanks!!
Select Menu plugin will not work correctly in hidden elements, so it should be called like this.
if(obj.isVisible()) {
EDIT: It happens because of the incorrect dimensions of the hidden element. So this can be fixed by giving the dimension of the select element.
please see it : http://jsfiddle.net/diode/sDchM/17/