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How do I get CopyFileEx to report back so I can cancel a file copy operation?

I’m trying to use the FileUtilities.CopyFile wrapper for CopyFileEx from here . But the CopyFileCallbackAction doesn’t get called until after the file is copied (I’ve tried copying a large file). How do I get it to report back so I can cancel the copy if the user so wishes?


See Why is FileUtilities.CopyFile wrapper for CopyFileEx interfering with winforms?


  • The edit to my question (sending to Why is FileUtilities.CopyFile wrapper for CopyFileEx interfering with winforms?) sends to the answer (by david-heffernan) – I had all on one thread.

    EDIT: No. It seems that I had a this.Update(); missing. See How can I get code to run after a form is shown? (Trouble with "Shown".) .