I have a set of DAOs (Data access objects) that need to be fetched from a DAOFactory (using the factory-method pattern).
Now we have the case that DAOs must always be initialized with parameters e.g.: (with String params)
MyDataDAO myDAO = new myDAO("myProject", "myProjectWallName");
Now, having a bunch of DAOs has required us to refactor (using the factory pattern) and here are the conflicting forces:
So how should one go about designing a 'good' interface for the classes that are to be instantiated using a factory i.e., best practices to follow in this regard. I've always encountered the non-parameterized constructor case up until now where I do feel a valid need/reason for having the parameters. I personally feel it's bad OO to have a default constructor only and set everything through setters-getters, defeating the very purpose constructors exist to solve!
A Factory pattern is used to create an object and make sure that it is in a valid state when it's returned to the caller.
If your object has required properties, returning it with a default constructor and not initialized properties, won't return a valid state to the caller. In such a case, everywhere you call the factory, the code should also know which fields are required and initialize them after the factory call. That way you duplicate initialize code (and knowledge) and the whole idea of the factory pattern is to remove such duplication.
So required fields should be passed as parameters to a factory method.