I want to used objects that are entirely made of xml, and i want to make a view framework the would allow me to edit / view this object in a asp.net mvc view.
Do you have an idea on how could I accomplish this?
Any idea is good.
Thank you
Edit 1: Example of xml, but this is basic, i want to represent any kind of data in this xml, including base64 pictures
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<product xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<name xsi:nil="true"></name>
Edit 2: I want to store as xml properties for objects, each object with different properties. And when I edit an object i want to be able to show a different type of interface dinamically for each type of object i have as xml.
Edit 3: I want also to be able to change the view on the fly without the need to recompile, if posible.
So off the bat I just wrote some code unsure of what you want.
Based on your xml you could just add a ViewModel like:
class Product
public string Name..
public string Description..
But then you said something about being dynamic and there is something interesting you can do with the ExpandoObject class.
Check this code:
void Main()
XmlDynamicModel x = new XmlDynamicModel(@"path/myobject.xml");
//you're element should be <description>value</description>
//I would rather capitalize the first letter **Description
public class XmlDynamicModel
public XmlDynamicModel(string xmlfile)
this.TheObject = new ExpandoObject();
var t = this.TheObject as IDictionary<String, object>;
XDocument xmlDoc = XDocument.Load(xmlfile);
//get all objects UNDER product
foreach(var elem in xmlDoc.Descendants().Descendants())
t[elem.Name.ToString()] = elem.Value.ToString();
public dynamic TheObject {get;set;}
You could make it fancier by adding the object name (in this case product) as a property and looking out for different types and setting null values etc.
Hope it helps