With GMap APi v3 I am using the directions service to generate a route for the user, but once the route is rendered on the map, the target infowindow I placed becomes cropped, as the map is centered on the route, not the target.
How can I tell GM to either:
I managed to get it done by using .setCenter() within the directionsService callback (after receiving a proper response). However, this only worked when using a timeout. It may not be the purest solution, but it is the only one available to me at the moment.
/* _x & _y are passed as coordinates */
var _latLng=new google.maps.LatLng(_x,_y);
directionsService.route(request, function(response, status) {
if (status == google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) {
}, 500);
It seems that if you call .setCenter() too early, gmap is still building up and once done, centering on the route - thus overriding your last command to .setCenter() - however, using the timeout as a workaround, the call is done after the map is built and the route rendered.