I have got Jetty and Bayeux working well together to allow me to use comet with dojo. However, I now need to move to an OSGi jetty environment and am struggling to get it working.
In the non-OSGi environment, the following line works and lets me start services etc. However, in OSGi, there is no attribute "BayeuxServer.ATTRIBUTE" in the servlet context/config.
BayeuxServer bayeux = (BayeuxServer)getServletContext().getAttribute(BayeuxServer.ATTRIBUTE);
Does anyone have any sample code, blog posts, reference articles etc to help with this? Googling hasn't resulted in anything!
Thanks, Ed
I've written up how to do it here - http://www.jellard.co.uk/2011/12/osgi-jetty-cometd-bayeux-and-dojo/