For my project I'm using cached selectors to speed up, and see improvements: (to reduce searches inside the document)
var sel1 = $('#selector1');
var sel2 = $('#selector2');
how can I use cached selectors in this situation? for ex:
$('#selector1, #selector2').fadeTo(300, 1, 'linear');
It's just to polish up my code
Ty :)
You can use .add()
to "Add elements to the set of matched elements":
sel1.add(sel2).fadeTo(300, 1, 'linear');
Docs for .add()
can take in:
$('<selector>', <context>)
)You can also pass an array of DOM elements to jQuery:
var one = $('#one')[0],
two = $('#two')[0];
$([one, two]).fadeTo(300, 1, 'linear');
Here is a demo:
I created a jsperf of the three different methods that are currently answers: (it seems like using an array selector is the fastest: $([one, two]).fadeTo...