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Why does my fresh Klocwork 9.2 installation display a blank Product Portal web page?

I installed Klocwork on a fresh Windows Server 2008 x86 system. During the installation, I selected all Klocwork components to be installed (database server, licence server, Klocwork server) and ensured that all three servers were running in the Klocwork Management Console. I ran kwauthconfig and set the authentication scheme to None.

However, when I attempt to visit the Klocwork Product Portal (Start > Programs > Klocwork 9.2 > Klocwork Product Portal), Internet Explorer opens and displays a blank web page served from port 8080 on the local machine (http://klocwork:8080). If I change the URL to http://klocwork:8080/portal/Portal, I get the expected page. However, when I click on the links to Klocwork Review (http://klocwork:8080/review) or Klocwork Inspect (http://klocwork:8080/codereview), I get similarly blank web pages.

My production server (installed years ago by someone who has since left the company) performs as expected, but I need to move it from Windows XP to Windows Server 2008. I have read through the Klocwork 9.2 documentation, and don't think I've missed any configuration steps. This is the third time I have attempted this installation on a clean machine, each time with the same result. On one of these occasions, I ran a Klocwork build (using kwinject, kwadmin, kwbuildproject, and kwadmin load) but was not able to view the build because KW Review and Inspect don't work.

Does anyone know how to get a fresh install of Klocwork 9.2 in a state where Review and Inspect will function? Thanks in advance to anyone who can offer some advice.


  • The cause of this problem turned out to be a combination of Windows Server 2008's Windows Firewall and Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration (IE-ESC) -- both of which are enabled by default in Windows 2008, and neither of which I disabled before installing Klocwork.

    Disabling the Windows Firewall and IE-ESC after Klocwork was installed did not fix the problem.

    However, I reverted the machine to a snapshot taken just before I originally installed Klocwork, disabled both Windows Firewall and IE-ESC, installed Klocwork, turned off authentication with kwauthconfig, and now the Klocwork Review and Klocwork Inspect login screens load as expected (and http://klocwork:8080 now redirects to http://klocwork:8080/portal/Portal).