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Klockwork scan c++ Template value

 > -Severity (Error)
 > -ID(local): 1
 > -Code: UNINIT.CTOR.MUST --> IPCAtomic()
 > -Message: 'this->value' is not initialized in this constructor.
 > -Details:
 > 'this->value' is not initialized in this constructor.
 > * CommunicationTypes.h:198: 'this->value' is used, but is
 > uninitialized.
 > * CommunicationTypes.h:198: List of instantiations (may be
 > incomplete)
 > * CommunicationTypes.h:198: <anonymous>::IPCAtomic< ,
 > >::#constructor
 > Current status 'Analyze'

This is the code I have, I also tried other options, but KW still produces the same error

     template <typename T, typename SerializeAs = T>
class IPCAtomic : public IPCBundleIfc
    typedef IPCAtomic<T, SerializeAs> MyType;
    T value;

    IPCAtomic() : value(T())

    IPCAtomic(T v) : value(v)
        static_assert(!std::is_base_of<IPCBundleIfc, T>::value, "type parameter of this class can not derive from IPCBundleIfc");

    virtual ~IPCAtomic() {}

    operator T& ()
        return value;

    MyType& operator=(const T& v)
        if (&v != &value)
            value = v;

        return *this;

    bool operator==(const T& v) const
        return value == v;

    bool operator==(const MyType& v) const
        return value == v.value;

Can you offer any solutions?


  • To initialize templated member values, use list initialization instead of initializing from a default constructed object.

    Like this :

    IPCAtomic() : 
    // when initializing with a value use const T& this avoids 
    // unecessary copies. Also make constructors with one parameter
    // explicit so they can't accidentaly be used as type conversions.
    explicit IPCAtomic(const T& v) : 
    // allow efficient initialization from temporaries
    explicit IPCAtomic(T&& v) : 