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RESTEasy / Jettison, return Java object as JSON without the root node

I'm using RESTEasy to return Java objects as JSON objects (which is using Jettison Mapped Convention for JSON marshelling).

But I don't want it to return the root node.

For example

public class Car{
    private Integer id;
    private String name;

An object of this class would result in JSON:


Because it's actually coming from


But I don't want the root node. I just want:


So I can use it with client libraries likes Backbone.js

Is there any way (some annotation) to force this on the JSON marshelling ?



  • I was faced with the exact same problem. After doing some research I found people suggested using resteasy-jackson-provider instead of jettison. It was claimed that jettison has a few issues and that what you're experiencing is one of them. I switched to Jackson and found that it solved this issue and probably a few others that I wasn't aware of. If you're using maven:


    If you do this, you may see some collisions between jettison. To avoid those make sure you don't have the jettison jars on your classpath.