I'm using jQuery to customize my own dropbox but was wondering how I could apply the tabindex to it.
I try to use the hidden select focus/blur event but doesn't seem to work.
I also try to apply a tabindex attribute to my customize dropbox (a div) but without success.
Can someone have a sample or a link to show me how I can achieve this?
I'm not sure that I fully understand what you're going for, but perhaps this will get you started: http://jsfiddle.net/2rCFV/1/
if(e.which === 9){ //tab
var selected = $('.selected');
var tabIndex = +selected.attr('tabIndex') + 1; //plus sign at beginnign converts it to a number
var next = selected.siblings('[tabIndex=' + tabIndex + ']');
if(next.length > 0){ //if this element exists
selected.siblings('[tabIndex=' + 1 + ']').addClass('selected'); //select the first one