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Fatal Error Ocurrs when Subscriber Clicks #

I want the where, user clicks on the # and the IVR control goes back to main menu.

But when user clicks on # it say fatal error occurred.

I am newbie in IVR Domain please help me out.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1' ?>
<vxml application='' version='2.0'>
  <log expr='[vxml_root_page] This log is after property element' />
  <property name='termchar' value=' '></property>
  <property name='inputmodes' value='dtmf'></property>
  <log expr='[vxml_root_page] This log is after property element' />
  <form id='main_menu'>
    <var expr='0' name='errorcount' />
    <var expr='3' name='maxerrors' />
    <field name='ivr_input'>
      <grammar mode='dtmf' root='main_choices' type='application/srgs+xml' version='1.0' xml:lang='en-US' xmlns=''>
        <rule id='main_choices'>
        Choose which country you would like to go.
        For USA, press  1. 
        For UK, press 2. 
        For Canada, press  3. 
        Press # to return to the main menu.
        <if cond='errorcount == maxerrors'>
          <goto next='#exit' />
          <else />
          <assign expr='errorcount + 1' name='errorcount' />
          Oops that was an invalid input
          <reprompt />
        <if cond='errorcount == maxerrors'>
          <goto next='#exit' />
          <else />
          <assign expr='errorcount + 1' name='errorcount' />
          No input detected. Please try again.
          <reprompt />
        <if cond='ivr_input == 1'>
          <log expr="'[vxml_reply] ivr_input choice 1, record'" />
          <log expr="'[vxml_reply] ivr_input choice 1, record'" />
          <log expr="'[vxml_reply] The calling Number callerid'">
            <value expr='callerid'></value>
          <submit expr="application.apphost + application.appuri + '/ivr/confirm_country.vxml'" namelist='ivr_input callerid' />
        <if cond='ivr_input == 2'>
          <log expr="'[vxml_reply] ivr_input choice 2, record'" />
          <log expr="'[vxml_reply] ivr_input choice 2, record'" />
          <log expr="'[vxml_reply] The calling Number callerid'">
            <value expr='callerid'></value>
          <submit expr="application.apphost + application.appuri + '/ivr/confirm_country.vxml'" namelist='ivr_input callerid' />
        <if cond='ivr_input == 3'>
          <log expr="'[vxml_reply] ivr_input choice 3, record'" />
          <log expr="'[vxml_reply] ivr_input choice 3, record'" />
          <log expr="'[vxml_reply] The calling Number callerid'">
            <value expr='callerid'></value>
          <submit expr="application.apphost + application.appuri + '/ivr/confirm_country.vxml'" namelist='ivr_input callerid' />
        <if cond='ivr_input == #'>
          <log expr="'[vxml_reply] ivr_input choice #, record'" />
          <log expr="'[vxml_reply] ivr_input choice #, record'" />
          <log expr="'[vxml_reply] The calling Number callerid'">
            <value expr='callerid'></value>
          <submit expr="application.apphost + application.appuri + '/ivr/main_menu.vxml'" namelist='ivr_input callerid' />
      APP ERROR!!!
      <value expr='_event' />
    A fatal error occurred. Please contact a customer service representative.
    <disconnect />
  <catch event=''>
      <value expr='_event' />
    Sorry, there was a problem processing your request. Please try again later.
    <disconnect />

I guess this should do the work i.e. assigning termchar value " ", the user can enter # as input.

<property name='termchar' value=' '></property>

I get flowing Error :=

swi:SBjsi|501|SBjsi:ECMAScript engine exception|errmsg=SyntaxError: illegal character|line=1|linetxt=ivr_input == #|tokentxt=#\n


  • The if condition inside tag should be

    <if cond='ivr_input == '#''>

    And it works fine. yeah!!!