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GWT MVP and SmartGWT compatibility

In my new project client has requested to use GWT/SmartGWT for developing presentation tier. (Note: Screens are not much complex) I am aware about the MVP Pattern (never used) but I need to decide which flavor of the MVP pattern I should use which meets following criteria.

  1. I should be able to integrate/use SmartGWT components seamlessly with the MVP framework.
  2. It would be great if framework provides me flexibility to support UI to be displayed on Mobile or iPad sort of devices.

I have noticed before that when components of GWT and SmartGWT used together the behavior is inconsistent. Correct me here is it true yet?

Any guidance on this would be highly appreciated.

Thanks!! Bhavesh


  • MVP is a pattern Google created for the base GWT widgets, which do not have support for data binding built in. Google has never said that MVP applies to SmartGWT widgets, where the widgets already have support for data binding, and we (Isomorphic) strongly advise against trying to use Google MVP with SmartGWT unless you have very specific, very unusual needs (more on this here: SmartGWT GWT client server architecture)

    When people try to apply MVP to SmartGWT, we see them re-creating functionality that already exists in SmartGWT, making things vastly more complicated than they need to be, and repeatedly looking for APIs and override points that aren't there because they are re-inventing things that are built into the framework. And this experience is not unique to SmartGWT - many of GWT's smartest users are complaining that MVP creates complexity and unneeded code even with the core GWT widgets.

    So our advice is: start with the SmartGWT QuickStart Guide, and only look at MVP or other third-party architectural advice when you find a concrete, specific problem SmartGWT clearly doesn't address (still waiting to hear about this :).