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Matlab: How to read in numbers with a comma as decimal separator?

I have a whole lot (hundreds of thousands) of rather large (>0.5MB) files, where data are numerical, but with a comma as decimal separator. It's impractical for me to use an external tool like sed "s/,/./g". When the separator is a dot, I just use textscan(fid, '%f%f%f'), but I see no option to change the decimal separator. How can I read such a file in an efficient manner?

Sample line from a file:

5,040000    18,040000   -0,030000

Note: There is a similar question for R, but I use Matlab.


  • With a test script I've found a factor of less than 1.5. My code would look like:

    tmco = {'NumHeaderLines', 1      , ...
            'NumColumns'    , 5      , ...
            'ConvString'    , '%f'   , ...
            'InfoLevel'     , 0      , ...
            'ReadMode'      , 'block', ...
            'ReplaceChar'   , {',.'} } ;
    A = txt2mat(filename, tmco{:});

    Note the different 'ReplaceChar' value and 'ReadMode' 'block'.

    I get the following results for a ~5MB file on my (not too new) machine:

    • txt2mat test comma avg. time: 0.63231
    • txt2mat test dot avg. time: 0.45715
    • textscan test dot avg. time: 0.4787

    The full code of my test script:

    %% generate sample files
    fdot = 'C:\temp\cDot.txt';
    fcom = 'C:\temp\cCom.txt';
    c = 5;       % # columns
    r = 100000;  % # rows
    test = round(1e8*rand(r,c))/1e6;
    tdot = sprintf([repmat('%f ', 1,c), '\r\n'], test.'); % '
    tdot = ['a header line', char([13,10]), tdot];
    tcom = strrep(tdot,'.',',');
    % write dot file
    fid = fopen(fdot,'w');
    fprintf(fid, '%s', tdot);
    % write comma file
    fid = fopen(fcom,'w');
    fprintf(fid, '%s', tcom);
    %% read back sample files with txt2mat and textscan
    % txt2mat-options with comma decimal sep.
    tmco = {'NumHeaderLines', 1      , ...
            'NumColumns'    , 5      , ...
            'ConvString'    , '%f'   , ...
            'InfoLevel'     , 0      , ...
            'ReadMode'      , 'block', ...
            'ReplaceChar'   , {',.'} } ;
    % txt2mat-options with dot decimal sep.
    tmdo = {'NumHeaderLines', 1      , ...
            'NumColumns'    , 5      , ...
            'ConvString'    , '%f'   , ...
            'InfoLevel'     , 0      , ...
            'ReadMode'      , 'block'} ;
    % textscan-options
    tsco = {'HeaderLines'   , 1      , ...
            'CollectOutput' , true   } ;
    A = txt2mat(fcom, tmco{:});
    B = txt2mat(fdot, tmdo{:});
    fid = fopen(fdot);
    C = textscan(fid, repmat('%f',1,c) , tsco{:} );
    C = C{1};
    disp(['txt2mat  test comma (1=Ok): ' num2str(isequal(A,test)) ])
    disp(['txt2mat  test dot   (1=Ok): ' num2str(isequal(B,test)) ])
    disp(['textscan test dot   (1=Ok): ' num2str(isequal(C,test)) ])
    %% speed test
    numTest = 20;
    % A) txt2mat with comma
    for k = 1:numTest
        A = txt2mat(fcom, tmco{:});
        clear A
    ttmc = toc;
    disp(['txt2mat  test comma avg. time: ' num2str(ttmc/numTest) ])
    % B) txt2mat with dot
    for k = 1:numTest
        B = txt2mat(fdot, tmdo{:});
        clear B
    ttmd = toc;
    disp(['txt2mat  test dot   avg. time: ' num2str(ttmd/numTest) ])
    % C) textscan with dot
    for k = 1:numTest
        fid = fopen(fdot);
        C = textscan(fid, repmat('%f',1,c) , tsco{:} );
        C = C{1};
        clear C
    ttsc = toc;
    disp(['textscan test dot   avg. time: ' num2str(ttsc/numTest) ])