My current method is this:
var request = require('request');
var mime = require('mime');
var fs = require('fs');
var uri = '';
'uri': uri
},function(err, response,body){
var tmp_path = '/tmp/123456';
fs.writeFile(tmp_path, body, function(err) {
console.log(mime.lookup(tmp_path)); //application/octet-stream ?????
The image is obviously a picture, but node-mime
says it's application/octet-stream
. Why?
Note: - I do not want to rely on the Response Headers content-type, because based on my experience, sometimes those response headers are set incorrectly...and they do not determine the true file type. (that's why I save it to a file, and then have node-mime determine it for me!)
I want to know the best way to determine if a file is an image, with 0 margin of error.
Edit: I just realized that node-mime isn't "magic". It just checks for the extension :( ...
Edit2: I found this:
Just read the first bytes of the stream, and check it for the so called "magic number".
Magic numbers are the first bits of a file which uniquely identify the type of file.
For example:
-Every JPEG file begins with ff d8
-Every png file begins with a 89 50 4e 47
-There is a comprehensive table of magic numbers here
This way even if you have a file without extension you can still detect its type.
Hope this helps.