I have created some simple app in Java, and 'deployed' it using Java Web Start (and jnlp) on my local machine. Now I would like to put it on the web, to have some feedback from various people.
I was thinking about embedding my app in Google infrastructure (pages.google.com/sites.google.com/blogger.com - whatever).
Question: How do I do that?
What do I change in my .jnlp file (now i have there local path hardcoded - 'jnlp codebase="file:/D:/Projects/SomeApp/dist"...')?
How to embed file structure (/../dist/somefiles and /../dist/lib/somefiles) into (mentioned) Google infrastructure?
I was looking for an answer but I couldn't find it anywhere. Maybe everyone are hosting on sourceforge.net or Java Web Start is not popular at all. First I have found post on newsgroup saying that on code.google.com you can call .jnlp file directly form SVN. This encouraged me to play with sites.google.com and it occurs to be very simple.
1) Create page and embed all files there – for this purpose 'file cabinet' page type will be the best. So you will have page http://sites.google.com/site/MyPage with bunch of jars attached to it.
2) In your launch.jnlp file put following edits:
for codebase
<jnlp codebase="http://sites.google.com/site/MyPage" href="launch.jnlp" spec="1.0+">
for any jars referenced:
<jar href="http://sites.google.com/site/MyPage/SomeLibrary.jar"/>
3) Attach launch.jnlp to MyPage and that is all.
4) Clicking on launch file will start application.
Organizing everything in more structured way doesn't break anything as long as you remember to update links in launch.jnlp.