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Guide on creating a Java Applet , Printing without prompt

Well I have created a web-based POS to take order. My question is how do I create a Java-Applet;

  1. Shows the HTML page & a Print button
  2. Print Order without prompting(no dialogue box)

Additional Information : It works like this. The waiter will key the orders from the computer(POS) , when they hit print, it will detect the I.P address of the printer in the kitchen,then print out the orders immediately without prompt. I am actually looking for reference/guide which can help me start on. Any Advise will be helpful as well. Thank you


  • You cannot do that for security reasons. If you could, applets would already have become notorious for printing 10+ pages of 'special offers' when you visit unscrupulous web sites.

    OTOH, if the client is willing to accept one prompt at applet start-up, you could digitally sign the code.