I'm using outline-mode
(org-mode mostly) in emacs, and use grep-mode
to search.
What annoys me is when I follow the links in the grep buffer, the
folded texts do not unfold. Is there a way to automate that?
A similar problem is to auto-unfold when goto-line
is called, this
can be achieved by define an advice to the goto-line function,
however, defadvice for goto-line
and goto-char
does not work for
More generally, what happens when I click a link in emacs ? I tried to track down the function stack but can not find the source due to the event-mode used in emacs.
For the very first part of your question, here is the trickery I use. Comments follow.
(setq org-directory "~/TOPDIR-OF-ORG-FILES") (global-set-key "\C-cog" 'fp-org-grep) (defun fp-org-grep (regexp) (interactive "MOrg grep? ") (if (string-equal regexp "") (error "Rien à trouver!") (require 'grep) (unless grep-find-template (grep-compute-defaults)) (let ((grep-find-ignored-directories nil) (grep-find-ignored-files nil)) (rgrep regexp "*.org" org-directory)) (setq fp-org-isearch-string regexp) (save-excursion (set-buffer "*grep*") (setq next-error-function 'fp-org-grep-next-error)))) (defun fp-org-grep-next-error (n &optional reset) (compilation-next-error-function n reset) (org-reveal) (setq isearch-string fp-org-isearch-string) (when (or (null search-ring) (not (string-equal (car search-ring) fp-org-isearch-string))) (push fp-org-isearch-string search-ring))) (defvar fp-org-isearch-string "")
For speed, I only keep three Org files to my agenda, but define a "C-c o g" command to grep recursively through all my Org files. When you go to any entry through the usual means, the Org surrounding context gets revealed. You may also hit "C-s" to highlight the searched text.