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Switching to another application (previously active) on button click in .net

Hi I want to do something like on screen keyboard. I want user to click a button on inactive application and then key press will be sent to active application while keeping active application active. I wrote the code for hover event of the button in inactive application and it is working. But what I want is to do it in click event. It is not working because inactive application becomes active. The code is below for hover event. Thank you.

private void button1_MouseHover(object sender, EventArgs e)


  • Finally I could figure out a way to do it. Refer the code below.

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Timers;
    using tmr = System.Timers;
    using System.Threading;
    namespace KeyPressTest
        public partial class Form1 : Form
            static extern int GetForegroundWindow();
            private static extern UInt32 GetWindowThreadProcessId(Int32 hWnd, out Int32 lpdwProcessId);
            static extern bool ShowWindow(IntPtr hWnd, int nCmdShow);
            private static extern bool SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd);
            tmr.Timer tm = new tmr.Timer();
            Int32 hwnd = 0;
            private Int32 GetWindowProcessID(Int32 hwnd)
                Int32 pid = 1;
                GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, out pid);
                return pid;
            public Form1()
            private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                tm.Elapsed += Timer_Elapsed;
                tm.Interval = 100;
            private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            private void Timer_Elapsed(object sender, System.EventArgs args)
                if (this.InvokeRequired)
                    this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate
                        if (this.Handle.ToInt32() != GetForegroundWindow())
                            hwnd = GetForegroundWindow();
                    if (this.Handle.ToInt32() != GetForegroundWindow())
                        hwnd = GetForegroundWindow();
                if (hwnd == 0)
                string appProcessName = "";
                string appExePath = "";
                string appExeName = "";
                    appProcessName = Process.GetProcessById(GetWindowProcessID(hwnd)).ProcessName;
                    appExePath = Process.GetProcessById(GetWindowProcessID(hwnd)).MainModule.FileName;
                    appExeName = appExePath.Substring(appExePath.LastIndexOf(@"\") + 1);
                catch (Exception ex)
                if (textBox1.InvokeRequired)
                    textBox1.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate
                        textBox1.Text = appProcessName + " | " + appExePath + " | " + appExeName;
                    textBox1.Text = appProcessName + " | " + appExePath + " | " + appExeName;