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Why does Java switch on contiguous ints appear to run faster with added cases?

I am working on some Java code which needs to be highly optimized as it will run in hot functions that are invoked at many points in my main program logic. Part of this code involves multiplying double variables by 10 raised to arbitrary non-negative int exponents. One fast way (edit: but not the fastest possible, see Update 2 below) to get the multiplied value is to switch on the exponent:

double multiplyByPowerOfTen(final double d, final int exponent) {
   switch (exponent) {
      case 0:
         return d;
      case 1:
         return d*10;
      case 2:
         return d*100;
      // ... same pattern
      case 9:
         return d*1000000000;
      case 10:
         return d*10000000000L;
      // ... same pattern with long literals
      case 18:
         return d*1000000000000000000L;
         throw new ParseException("Unhandled power of ten " + power, 0);

The commented ellipses above indicate that the case int constants continue incrementing by 1, so there are really 19 cases in the above code snippet. Since I wasn't sure whether I would actually need all the powers of 10 in case statements 10 thru 18, I ran some microbenchmarks comparing the time to complete 10 million operations with this switch statement versus a switch with only cases 0 thru 9 (with the exponent limited to 9 or less to avoid breaking the pared-down switch). I got the rather surprising (to me, at least!) result that the longer switch with more case statements actually ran faster.

On a lark, I tried adding even more cases which just returned dummy values, and found that I could get the switch to run even faster with around 22-27 declared cases (even though those dummy cases are never actually hit while the code is running). (Again, cases were added in a contiguous fashion by incrementing the prior case constant by 1.) These execution time differences are not very significant: for a random exponent between 0 and 10, the dummy padded switch statement finishes 10 million executions in 1.49 secs versus 1.54 secs for the unpadded version, for a grand total savings of 5ns per execution. So, not the kind of thing that makes obsessing over padding out a switch statement worth the effort from an optimization standpoint. But I still just find it curious and counter-intuitive that a switch doesn't become slower (or perhaps at best maintain constant O(1) time) to execute as more cases are added to it.

switch benchmarking results

These are the results I obtained from running with various limits on the randomly-generated exponent values. I didn't include the results all the way down to 1 for the exponent limit, but the general shape of the curve remains the same, with a ridge around the 12-17 case mark, and a valley between 18-28. All tests were run in JUnitBenchmarks using shared containers for the random values to ensure identical testing inputs. I also ran the tests both in order from longest switch statement to shortest, and vice-versa, to try and eliminate the possibility of ordering-related test problems. I've put my testing code up on a github repo if anyone wants to try to reproduce these results.

So, what's going on here? Some vagaries of my architecture or micro-benchmark construction? Or is the Java switch really a little faster to execute in the 18 to 28 case range than it is from 11 up to 17?

github test repo "switch-experiment"

UPDATE: I cleaned up the benchmarking library quite a bit and added a text file in /results with some output across a wider range of possible exponent values. I also added an option in the testing code not to throw an Exception from default, but this doesn't appear to affect the results.

UPDATE 2: Found some pretty good discussion of this issue from back in 2009 on the xkcd forum here: The OP's discussion of using Array.binarySearch() gave me the idea for a simple array-based implementation of the exponentiation pattern above. There's no need for the binary search since I know what the entries in the array are. It appears to run about 3 times faster than using switch, obviously at the expense of some of the control flow that switch affords. That code has been added to the github repo also.


  • As pointed out by the other answer, because the case values are contiguous (as opposed to sparse), the generated bytecode for your various tests uses a switch table (bytecode instruction tableswitch).

    However, once the JIT starts its job and compiles the bytecode into assembly, the tableswitch instruction does not always result in an array of pointers: sometimes the switch table is transformed into what looks like a lookupswitch (similar to an if/else if structure).

    Decompiling the assembly generated by the JIT (hotspot JDK 1.7) shows that it uses a succession of if/else if when there are 17 cases or less, an array of pointers when there are more than 18 (more efficient).

    The reason why this magic number of 18 is used seems to come down to the default value of the MinJumpTableSize JVM flag (around line 352 in the code).

    I have raised the issue on the hotspot compiler list and it seems to be a legacy of past testing. Note that this default value has been removed in JDK 8 after more benchmarking was performed.

    Finally, when the method becomes too long (> 25 cases in my tests), it is in not inlined any longer with the default JVM settings - that is the likeliest cause for the drop in performance at that point.

    With 5 cases, the decompiled code looks like this (notice the cmp/je/jg/jmp instructions, the assembly for if/goto):

    [Verified Entry Point]
      # {method} 'multiplyByPowerOfTen' '(DI)D' in 'javaapplication4/Test1'
      # parm0:    xmm0:xmm0   = double
      # parm1:    rdx       = int
      #           [sp+0x20]  (sp of caller)
      0x00000000024f0160: mov    DWORD PTR [rsp-0x6000],eax
                                                    ;   {no_reloc}
      0x00000000024f0167: push   rbp
      0x00000000024f0168: sub    rsp,0x10           ;*synchronization entry
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@-1 (line 56)
      0x00000000024f016c: cmp    edx,0x3
      0x00000000024f016f: je     0x00000000024f01c3
      0x00000000024f0171: cmp    edx,0x3
      0x00000000024f0174: jg     0x00000000024f01a5
      0x00000000024f0176: cmp    edx,0x1
      0x00000000024f0179: je     0x00000000024f019b
      0x00000000024f017b: cmp    edx,0x1
      0x00000000024f017e: jg     0x00000000024f0191
      0x00000000024f0180: test   edx,edx
      0x00000000024f0182: je     0x00000000024f01cb
      0x00000000024f0184: mov    ebp,edx
      0x00000000024f0186: mov    edx,0x17
      0x00000000024f018b: call   0x00000000024c90a0  ; OopMap{off=48}
                                                    ;*new  ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@72 (line 83)
                                                    ;   {runtime_call}
      0x00000000024f0190: int3                      ;*new  ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@72 (line 83)
      0x00000000024f0191: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xffffffffffffffa7]        # 0x00000000024f0140
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@52 (line 62)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x00000000024f0199: jmp    0x00000000024f01cb
      0x00000000024f019b: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xffffffffffffff8d]        # 0x00000000024f0130
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@46 (line 60)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x00000000024f01a3: jmp    0x00000000024f01cb
      0x00000000024f01a5: cmp    edx,0x5
      0x00000000024f01a8: je     0x00000000024f01b9
      0x00000000024f01aa: cmp    edx,0x5
      0x00000000024f01ad: jg     0x00000000024f0184  ;*tableswitch
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@1 (line 56)
      0x00000000024f01af: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xffffffffffffff81]        # 0x00000000024f0138
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@64 (line 66)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x00000000024f01b7: jmp    0x00000000024f01cb
      0x00000000024f01b9: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xffffffffffffff67]        # 0x00000000024f0128
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@70 (line 68)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x00000000024f01c1: jmp    0x00000000024f01cb
      0x00000000024f01c3: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xffffffffffffff55]        # 0x00000000024f0120
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@1 (line 56)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x00000000024f01cb: add    rsp,0x10
      0x00000000024f01cf: pop    rbp
      0x00000000024f01d0: test   DWORD PTR [rip+0xfffffffffdf3fe2a],eax        # 0x0000000000430000
                                                    ;   {poll_return}
      0x00000000024f01d6: ret    

    With 18 cases, the assembly looks like this (notice the array of pointers which is used and suppresses the need for all the comparisons: jmp QWORD PTR [r8+r10*1] jumps directly to the right multiplication) - that is the likely reason for the performance improvement:

    [Verified Entry Point]
      # {method} 'multiplyByPowerOfTen' '(DI)D' in 'javaapplication4/Test1'
      # parm0:    xmm0:xmm0   = double
      # parm1:    rdx       = int
      #           [sp+0x20]  (sp of caller)
      0x000000000287fe20: mov    DWORD PTR [rsp-0x6000],eax
                                                    ;   {no_reloc}
      0x000000000287fe27: push   rbp
      0x000000000287fe28: sub    rsp,0x10           ;*synchronization entry
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@-1 (line 56)
      0x000000000287fe2c: cmp    edx,0x13
      0x000000000287fe2f: jae    0x000000000287fe46
      0x000000000287fe31: movsxd r10,edx
      0x000000000287fe34: shl    r10,0x3
      0x000000000287fe38: movabs r8,0x287fd70       ;   {section_word}
      0x000000000287fe42: jmp    QWORD PTR [r8+r10*1]  ;*tableswitch
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@1 (line 56)
      0x000000000287fe46: mov    ebp,edx
      0x000000000287fe48: mov    edx,0x31
      0x000000000287fe4d: xchg   ax,ax
      0x000000000287fe4f: call   0x00000000028590a0  ; OopMap{off=52}
                                                    ;*new  ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@202 (line 96)
                                                    ;   {runtime_call}
      0x000000000287fe54: int3                      ;*new  ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@202 (line 96)
      0x000000000287fe55: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xfffffffffffffe8b]        # 0x000000000287fce8
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@194 (line 92)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x000000000287fe5d: jmp    0x000000000287ff16
      0x000000000287fe62: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xfffffffffffffe86]        # 0x000000000287fcf0
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@188 (line 90)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x000000000287fe6a: jmp    0x000000000287ff16
      0x000000000287fe6f: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xfffffffffffffe81]        # 0x000000000287fcf8
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@182 (line 88)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x000000000287fe77: jmp    0x000000000287ff16
      0x000000000287fe7c: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xfffffffffffffe7c]        # 0x000000000287fd00
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@176 (line 86)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x000000000287fe84: jmp    0x000000000287ff16
      0x000000000287fe89: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xfffffffffffffe77]        # 0x000000000287fd08
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@170 (line 84)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x000000000287fe91: jmp    0x000000000287ff16
      0x000000000287fe96: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xfffffffffffffe72]        # 0x000000000287fd10
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@164 (line 82)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x000000000287fe9e: jmp    0x000000000287ff16
      0x000000000287fea0: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xfffffffffffffe70]        # 0x000000000287fd18
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@158 (line 80)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x000000000287fea8: jmp    0x000000000287ff16
      0x000000000287feaa: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xfffffffffffffe6e]        # 0x000000000287fd20
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@152 (line 78)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x000000000287feb2: jmp    0x000000000287ff16
      0x000000000287feb4: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xfffffffffffffe24]        # 0x000000000287fce0
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@146 (line 76)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x000000000287febc: jmp    0x000000000287ff16
      0x000000000287febe: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xfffffffffffffe6a]        # 0x000000000287fd30
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@140 (line 74)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x000000000287fec6: jmp    0x000000000287ff16
      0x000000000287fec8: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xfffffffffffffe68]        # 0x000000000287fd38
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@134 (line 72)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x000000000287fed0: jmp    0x000000000287ff16
      0x000000000287fed2: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xfffffffffffffe66]        # 0x000000000287fd40
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@128 (line 70)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x000000000287feda: jmp    0x000000000287ff16
      0x000000000287fedc: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xfffffffffffffe64]        # 0x000000000287fd48
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@122 (line 68)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x000000000287fee4: jmp    0x000000000287ff16
      0x000000000287fee6: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xfffffffffffffe62]        # 0x000000000287fd50
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@116 (line 66)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x000000000287feee: jmp    0x000000000287ff16
      0x000000000287fef0: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xfffffffffffffe60]        # 0x000000000287fd58
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@110 (line 64)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x000000000287fef8: jmp    0x000000000287ff16
      0x000000000287fefa: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xfffffffffffffe5e]        # 0x000000000287fd60
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@104 (line 62)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x000000000287ff02: jmp    0x000000000287ff16
      0x000000000287ff04: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xfffffffffffffe5c]        # 0x000000000287fd68
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@98 (line 60)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x000000000287ff0c: jmp    0x000000000287ff16
      0x000000000287ff0e: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xfffffffffffffe12]        # 0x000000000287fd28
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@1 (line 56)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x000000000287ff16: add    rsp,0x10
      0x000000000287ff1a: pop    rbp
      0x000000000287ff1b: test   DWORD PTR [rip+0xfffffffffd9b00df],eax        # 0x0000000000230000
                                                    ;   {poll_return}
      0x000000000287ff21: ret    

    And finally the assembly with 30 cases (below) looks similar to 18 cases, except for the additional movapd xmm0,xmm1 that appears towards the middle of the code, as spotted by @cHao - however the likeliest reason for the drop in performance is that the method is too long to be inlined with the default JVM settings:

    [Verified Entry Point]
      # {method} 'multiplyByPowerOfTen' '(DI)D' in 'javaapplication4/Test1'
      # parm0:    xmm0:xmm0   = double
      # parm1:    rdx       = int
      #           [sp+0x20]  (sp of caller)
      0x0000000002524560: mov    DWORD PTR [rsp-0x6000],eax
                                                    ;   {no_reloc}
      0x0000000002524567: push   rbp
      0x0000000002524568: sub    rsp,0x10           ;*synchronization entry
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@-1 (line 56)
      0x000000000252456c: movapd xmm1,xmm0
      0x0000000002524570: cmp    edx,0x1f
      0x0000000002524573: jae    0x0000000002524592  ;*tableswitch
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@1 (line 56)
      0x0000000002524575: movsxd r10,edx
      0x0000000002524578: shl    r10,0x3
      0x000000000252457c: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xfffffffffffffe3c]        # 0x00000000025243c0
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@364 (line 118)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x0000000002524584: movabs r8,0x2524450       ;   {section_word}
      0x000000000252458e: jmp    QWORD PTR [r8+r10*1]  ;*tableswitch
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@1 (line 56)
      0x0000000002524592: mov    ebp,edx
      0x0000000002524594: mov    edx,0x31
      0x0000000002524599: xchg   ax,ax
      0x000000000252459b: call   0x00000000024f90a0  ; OopMap{off=64}
                                                    ;*new  ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@370 (line 120)
                                                    ;   {runtime_call}
      0x00000000025245a0: int3                      ;*new  ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@370 (line 120)
      0x00000000025245a1: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xfffffffffffffe27]        # 0x00000000025243d0
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@358 (line 116)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x00000000025245a9: jmp    0x0000000002524744
      0x00000000025245ae: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xfffffffffffffe22]        # 0x00000000025243d8
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@348 (line 114)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x00000000025245b6: jmp    0x0000000002524744
      0x00000000025245bb: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xfffffffffffffe1d]        # 0x00000000025243e0
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@338 (line 112)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x00000000025245c3: jmp    0x0000000002524744
      0x00000000025245c8: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xfffffffffffffe18]        # 0x00000000025243e8
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@328 (line 110)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x00000000025245d0: jmp    0x0000000002524744
      0x00000000025245d5: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xfffffffffffffe13]        # 0x00000000025243f0
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@318 (line 108)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x00000000025245dd: jmp    0x0000000002524744
      0x00000000025245e2: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xfffffffffffffe0e]        # 0x00000000025243f8
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@308 (line 106)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x00000000025245ea: jmp    0x0000000002524744
      0x00000000025245ef: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xfffffffffffffe09]        # 0x0000000002524400
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@298 (line 104)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x00000000025245f7: jmp    0x0000000002524744
      0x00000000025245fc: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xfffffffffffffe04]        # 0x0000000002524408
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@288 (line 102)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x0000000002524604: jmp    0x0000000002524744
      0x0000000002524609: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xfffffffffffffdff]        # 0x0000000002524410
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@278 (line 100)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x0000000002524611: jmp    0x0000000002524744
      0x0000000002524616: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xfffffffffffffdfa]        # 0x0000000002524418
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@268 (line 98)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x000000000252461e: jmp    0x0000000002524744
      0x0000000002524623: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xfffffffffffffd9d]        # 0x00000000025243c8
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@258 (line 96)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x000000000252462b: jmp    0x0000000002524744
      0x0000000002524630: movapd xmm0,xmm1
      0x0000000002524634: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xfffffffffffffe0c]        # 0x0000000002524448
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@242 (line 92)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x000000000252463c: jmp    0x0000000002524744
      0x0000000002524641: movapd xmm0,xmm1
      0x0000000002524645: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xfffffffffffffddb]        # 0x0000000002524428
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@236 (line 90)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x000000000252464d: jmp    0x0000000002524744
      0x0000000002524652: movapd xmm0,xmm1
      0x0000000002524656: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xfffffffffffffdd2]        # 0x0000000002524430
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@230 (line 88)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x000000000252465e: jmp    0x0000000002524744
      0x0000000002524663: movapd xmm0,xmm1
      0x0000000002524667: mulsd  xmm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xfffffffffffffdc9]        # 0x0000000002524438
                                                    ; - javaapplication4.Test1::multiplyByPowerOfTen@224 (line 86)
                                                    ;   {section_word}
      0x0000000002524744: add    rsp,0x10
      0x0000000002524748: pop    rbp
      0x0000000002524749: test   DWORD PTR [rip+0xfffffffffde1b8b1],eax        # 0x0000000000340000
                                                    ;   {poll_return}
      0x000000000252474f: ret