If i have understood generics correctly, a method with parameters declared as <? super T>
will accept any reference that is either of Type T
or a super type of T
. I am trying to test this with the following bit of code but the compiler does not like it.
class Animal{}
class Dog extends Animal{}
class Cat extends Animal{}
class ZiggyTest2{
public static void main(String[] args){
List<Animal> anim2 = new ArrayList<Animal>();
anim2.add(new Animal());
anim2.add(new Dog());
anim2.add(new Cat());
public static void testMethod(ArrayList<? super Dog> anim){
System.out.println("In TestMethod");
anim.add(new Dog());
//anim.add(new Animal());
Compiler error is :
ZiggyTest2.java:16: testMethod(java.util.ArrayList<? super Dog>) in ZiggyTest2 cannot be applied to (java.util.List<Animal>)
1 error
I dont understand why i cant pass in anim2 since it is of type <Animal>
and Animal is a super type of Dog.
You are trying to pass an expression of type List<>
into a parameter of type ArrayList<>
. Not going to work.
Either this line
public static void testMethod(ArrayList<? super Dog> anim){
should be
public static void testMethod(List<? super Dog> anim){
List<Animal> anim2 = new ArrayList<Animal>();
should be
ArrayList<Animal> anim2 = new ArrayList<Animal>();