I'm using the DHTMLx Touch online editor
I have a layout with 3 cells
{ id: 'app', view: 'layout', height: 482, width: 322,
rows: [ { view: 'layout'
, type: 'wide'
, rows: [ { view: 'view', id: 'temp_designer_view_2'}
, { view: 'view', id: 'temp_designer_view_3'}
, { view: 'view', id: 'temp_designer_view_4'} ]
, id: 'layout_2'} ] }
I want to place an image in the first cell with id 'temp_designer_view_2'
It would be better to use "template" view to include HTML content into a layout item:
{ id: 'app', view: 'layout', height: 482, width: 322,
rows: [ { view: 'layout'
, type: 'wide'
, rows: [ { template: "<div class='imgParent'><img .../></div>", id: 'temp_designer_view_2'}
, { template: '', id: 'temp_designer_view_3'}
, { template: '', id: 'temp_designer_view_4'} ]
, id: 'layout_2'} ] }
Check the related samples in dhtmlxTouch package: ../samples/technical/view/04_template.html and ../samples/technical/view/08_carousel.html