I have a web app using JSF2 with JPA Entities, Stateless ejb session beans as my facade/ejb objects, and managed beans (request and view scoped) as controllers exposing business methods, managed controllers are pulling data from the injected stateless session beans.
but i am confused how to navigate and retain data accross views in my controllers in this environment, for example:
I have a jsf2 view page (departmentView.xhtml) that displays a list of Department objects and each row has an edit item. Clicking edit I want to load a new page and display a list or Employee's for that department on the new page, so i invoke the Employee controller passing it the selected Department
here is a snippet of my departmentView.xhtml
<h:dataTable id="table" value="#{departmentController.departmentList}"
<h:commandLink id="editId" value="Edit"
action="#{employeeController.getEmployeeListForADepartment(ithDepartment)}" />
and my employeeController is defined as
ManagedBean(name = "employeeController")
public class EmployeeController implements Serializable {
private List<Employee> employeeList = new ArrayList<Employee>();
private com.ejb.session.EmployeeFacade ejbEmployeeFacade;
public List<Employee> getEmployeeListForADepartment(Department dept)
if(employeeList==null || employeeList.isEmpty())
employeeList = ejbEmployeeFacade.findEmployeesByDepartment(dept);
// now i want to navigate to the employee view showing these employees for the
// selected department.
// but this navigation below triggers creating a new EmployeeController
// and i lose my employeeList
return "employeeView";
i really want to avoid using jsf session scope, and believe there is a way to do this, just not reading about it in any of my jsf/ejb books.
thinking outloud, maybe don't have EmployeeController.getEmployeeListForADepartment(..)
do a lookup, just create a parameter from the department id and pass that along via return "employeeView?departmentId=X";
and have constructor then do a lookup if the id is present?
can somehelp me with the proper way to implement this in EJB/JSF2 environment
Use a simple GET <h:link>
in the source view to pass the department ID and a <f:viewParam>
in the target view to convert and set the department.
<h:link id="editId" value="Edit" outcome="employeeView">
<f:param name="departmentId" value="#{ithDepartment.id}" />
<f:viewParam name="id" value="#{editDepartmentBean.department}"
converter="#{departmentConverter}" converterMessage="Bad request. Unknown department."
required="true" requiredMessage="Bad request. Please use a link from within the system." />
public class EditDepartmentBean {
private Department department;
// ...