I have got two projects setup in my eclipse and I am currently remote debugging one of them. However, the one I am debugging uses functionality provided by the second eclipse project and I would like to debug the second project also. When I setup the remote debug configuration for the second project to the same port as the first one, I get an error saying, 'Connection refused'. I am guessing when I use 'Socket attach', I can only remote debug one project.
I would like to know how I can setup my debug configuration in such a way that I am able to debug both projects at the same time
You can't attach a second debugger to a JVM. But you shouldn't need to do it either. The Eclipse debugger shouldn't care which of the projects in your workspace that the code is coming from.
(I guess you might actually mean that you have your code in multiple workspaces. In that case, you may need to use Change Source Attachment to allow the debugger in the current Eclipse workspace to see the source code in the other one.)